Race Chat
ET Chat
222.1 Chad Williams: /w slow on restarts
335.4 Willie Patterson has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
694.8 81 Tony Reiner has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
876.0 Joshua Gayman has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
931.1 Dave Vance: 58 INCIDENT
1043.8 Tim Blank has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
1138.2 Dave Armstrong has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
1313.2 Dave Vance: 58 PENALTY
1422.3 AJ Truax: ** 4 The Fans..!!! **
1434.8 Chad Williams: sry rioux
1436.7 FTR bsidewayz has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
1446.4 DSoja29 has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
1449.1 Chad Williams has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage
1457.3 Chris Rioux: np
1461.5 Bivins Racing has left the game but vehicle has been stored in the garage

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